
We use our knowledge and experience to deliver extraordinary results

We understand the value of your land

If you have a large section and want to get some extra cash to pay off that mortgage or invest in a new venture, subdividing your land may be the best solution.

Maximise the value of your land with Dreamhome

Our land subdivision experts take care of everything from initial planning & landscaping to council permits, and we can help you build a new home on the new title.

What is Land Subdivision?

Residential subdivision refers to the creation of individual titles for specific lots within a larger ‘parent’ block of land. In most cases this involves turning one large property into several smaller ones. If you are looking to increase the value of your property, add another house or provide extra accommodation, subdivision may be the best solution.


Topographical survey. The topographical survey would also show the position of existing buildings, impermeable areas, trees, provision for access, services and contours, and obtain information for a flood report. CCTV of existing services (Consultant).

Design concept plans of overall site and proposed dwelling, (site, floor, elevations), parking and turning areas, any alterations to the existing dwelling, earthworks, access and site layout and servicing.

Infrastructure report. (Consultant). Confirmation that site can be serviced, identify what mitigation will be required if connecting to the combined line, and due to site being within the SMAF area.

All other relevant reports and plans (Consultant). Identify all relevant issues and engage all relevant professionals to confirm those issues can be mitigated or solved.

Subdivision scheme plan showing proposed lots, areas, rights of way, easements, building sites, and new service connections, as well as any retained impermeable areas, access to show it can meet any requirements relating to servicing issues, earthworks. Written approval from any persons required.

Preparation of joint land use/ subdivision resource consent application including assessment of effects report and submission to Council.

Process Subdivision Consent for approval and itemise conditions of consent (Council).

Receive Subdivision Consent approval and associated conditions of consent.

Preparation of engineering design plans of ROW (if required) and drainage works submitted to Council for Engineering Approval prior to commencement of works.

Construction of engineering design works including right of way, (if required) services for power, telephone, water connections; drainage connections (Developer/Contractor).

Supervision and preparation of as-built plans of above works for Council inspection and approval.

Land Transfer survey – connecting to survey control marks, defining and pegging of boundaries, preparing Survey and Title plans for Council certification and lodging with Land Information NZ for survey approval.

On completion of all conditions application to Council for Section 224 (c) completion certificates.

Payment of Development Contributions and balance of processing costs to Council prior to release of 224(c) certificate.

On receipt of your 224 (c) certificate your Solicitor registers all necessary documents for issue of new Titles.

Potential Rewards with Complexity

Subdividing your property can be a great option potentially offering you good financial rewards. However, the process can be a time-consuming and complex, with consents, hidden costs, council restrictions and planning regulations just a few aspects of the project that will need to be considered along the way. All of that comes before a new home is built!

You will love your Dream Home

We use our knowledge and experience to deliver extraordinary results.